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The Importance of Oral Health for the Elderly

The Importance of Oral Health for the Elderly.

The importance of maintaining oral health in old age goes beyond aesthetics, being crucial for overall well-being and quality of life.

At Clínica Debora Ayala, we recognize these needs and offer personalized treatments that focus not only on appearance but also on promoting health and longevity.

Benefits of Oral Health in Old Age

As we age, oral health can be impacted by factors such as systemic diseases, medication use, and dietary changes. Proper oral hygiene practices are essential to preventing cavities, gum disease, and other complications that directly affect the quality of life of older adults.

Strategies for Maintaining Oral Health

Oral health in old age can be preserved with simple daily habits, such as brushing your teeth at least three times a day, regular use of dental floss, and regular dental visits. These care measures are essential to ensure the preservation of teeth throughout life.

Specific Challenges in Old Agee

  • Cavities and Root Problems: Aging brings with it a greater propensity for cavities and root problems. Using fluoride toothpaste and brushing frequently are essential to preventing such problems.

  • Tooth Sensitivity: With gum recession, areas of the teeth that are not protected by enamel become exposed, increasing sensitivity. The use of specific toothpaste and regular dental consultations can mitigate these discomforts.

  • Dry Mouth: Common among the elderly, dry mouth, often caused by medications or health conditions, compromises oral health. The dentist can suggest effective methods to maintain oral moisture and prevent associated complications.

The Relationship Between Systemic Diseases and Oral Health

Conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer have a direct impact on oral health. Therefore, it is vital that the dentist is aware of these conditions in order to provide appropriate and personalized treatment.

Care with Dentures and Dentures

Dental prostheses require specific care and regular adjustments to ensure comfort and functionality. Periodic dental consultations are essential to maintaining oral health, even for those who use prostheses.

Prevention of Gum Diseases

Preventing gum diseases, such as gingivitis, is possible through good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist. Early detection of these conditions is crucial to avoiding more serious complications.

Use of Crowns and Bridges

Dental crowns and bridges are important solutions to reinforce damaged teeth or replace missing teeth, being essential for maintaining chewing function and the aesthetics of the smile in old age.

Why Choose Clínica Debora Ayala?

At Clínica Debora Ayala, our highly qualified and experienced team offers personalized, high-tech treatments aimed at the elderly.

We understand the specific needs of the elderly and are committed to ensuring that each patient maintains excellent oral health, promoting longevity and quality of life.

Schedule your appointment at Clínica Debora Ayala and find out how our specialized care can help you maintain a healthy and confident smile in old age.

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Tags :
Biological Dentistry,clinica debora ayala,dentistry,Geriatric dentistry,healthy smile,oral health,seniors


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Dra. Debora Ayala

Com 34 anos de experiência, é a única brasileira premiada com 1º lugar na Academia Européia de Estética por técnica desenvolvida por ela.


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